Mindful Resistance: A Series for Social Activists, Part 1: Learning to Love Our Enemies
02/25/2018 (5:00 pm - 6:30 pm)
Innergy Meditation
1560 Lenox Avenue, Miami Beach , FL, 33139
The Mindful Resistance series focuses on the aspect of self-care, resilience and compassion as it relates to effective and sustainable social activism. The series will feature a monthly panel discussion and culminate in a half-day self-care retreat at a TBD location in Miami Beach. You can attend or all or just one of the events in the series.
PART 1 of 4:
Sunday, February 25th
5 PM – 6:30 PM
Workshop: Learning to Love our Enemy
Drawing on ancient spiritual wisdom, modern psychology, and the latest neuroscience, this panel discussion will explore how to deal with troublesome people and situations, how we can overcome the real source of our distress and addressing our deep-seated self-centeredness and self-hatred. Panelists will offer practical methods for transforming our relationship to our outer and inner enemies.
Event is FREE of charge. Registration is required at mindfulresistance.eventbrite.com